Vox Importing – Privacy?

  • If I import my vox blog, will all the privacy settings remain intact? Or will my private posts become public?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That’s a great question and since the import tool is so new there’s no documentation about it yet so I recommend contacting staff directly so you can receive an accurate answer here is their contact link http://support.wordpress.com/contact

  • Any posts marked as private on Vox.com will be private on WordPress.com.

  • @braincollinger
    Hello there!
    Do you intend to flood the forum’s front page by reviving every old VOX thread?
    If so, how is that helpful to those who are currently waiting for help?
    Are you on Staff?

  • @timethief
    I’m hoping the current Vox users will read the post here: http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/vox-importer/ and try out the importer for themselves.
    And yes, I am on staff.

  • I’m attempting the import now. It got to 10 posts and froze. No comments were included and images were blocked. That’s why I’m here now :) I tried importing the Vox blog to my domain, which is how I’ve gotten that info, and although every one of my Vox posts is set to “private” none of them remained so on my blog (they were all “published”). I restarted my computer I’m still having issues with this. I’m desperate for a Vox import/export as this issue has been an irritation for years, so I hope I’m the only one who has a problem with the privacy aspect. Good luck and please let me know if your import/export works! :) I could use a smile today! :)

  • @mdsouthern I suggest contacting staff since your images were block here is their contact link http://support.wordpress.com/contact

  • @t3ck Thanks! :) I already did, as there seem to be errors galore no matter what I do (restarting my computer, changing my Vox pw, creating a new WP blog, clearing my cache, etc. etc. you name it! LOL). I’m putting my money on having to manually copy and paste all 7000 posts and uploading and linking 15000 images ~sigh~ This really has NOT been my day.

  • @mdsouthern Your welcome sorry to hear about your not so good day. = )

    Also I wanted to give you heads up that staff will email their response when they get a chance so make sure to check your spam folder. Or you might see a response here from staff

  • If I were you, I’d set the Wp.com blog to private before doing the import, and keep re-trying. We see many cases where re-trying works, for no reason we can say.

  • @raincoaster: Blog has already been set to private, and re-tried at least 15 times. And I tried everything I listed above, nothing is helping. Still haven’t heard from support. How much re-trying am I going to have to continue with? Another 24 hours straight?

  • And… I should add… I am getting emails saying “Your Vox import was successful” when it’s absolutely NOT successful. There are errors galore coming up from my Dashboard, so something just isn’t right. When I attempt to close my browser the importer doesn’t respond — either it’s still shooting up errors or it’s trying to connect to Vox — so this just doesn’t work. I’d love to hear from someone for whom it’s worked, though, because this would be a brilliant addition to WP. Feel free to contact me if it’s worked for you and if you have any tips for me (that I haven’t already tried! LOL!) :)

  • In uploading the file exported from Vox, I get errors such as this:

    9. Importing attachment [URL]/6a00cdf3ab758acb8f011016975717860d.jpg… Remote file error: Remote file returned error response 403 Forbidden


    14. Skipping attachment

    So in total, 10 posts came through without errors (they are showing up with the images I included). There are then 5 of the “403 Forbidden” entries, and 3 “Skipping attachment” entries in the file. Hopefully this will help someone out there, because it’s making me want to throw up. I’m going to keep trying, though… maybe there’s some variable I can change in my dashboard to get this thing to work? Again, any helpful tips appreciated :)

  • @mdsouthern, I’ve responded to your support request. Don’t worry, we’ll get this thing figured out!

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