Visual Editor Feedback

  • Hi community,

    This message is intended for the WordPress developers and programmers, but obviously everyone is invited to share their opinion and points of view on the matter.

    The second thing I’d like to point out is that I’m not familiar with HTML code, plugins and the lot – I just started using WordPress to write and only to write (10 years ago, I must add), and I really don’t want to annoy or disrespect anyone who might think that coding, or basic coding, is essential for the “WordPress experience”. The fact is, I only want to write. So, beforehand, I’d like to say I’m sorry for my ignorance.

    The third thing is, I don’t use the new editor – Beep, Beep nonsense -, but rather decided to stick with the good-olde version, which has been working great for me since time immemorial. That said, I make it a standpoint to avoid the new editor and I don’t really know how things are in that sector. So the question would be, do improvements set for the new editor appear in the old editor?

    For the time being, I deeply miss two things in the old editor and I didn’t realised they were missing until recently. And I wanted to make my feedback public; apparently, there’s no page where WordPress offers the option to get feedback from the users – like Facebook or other webs out there -, unless you install a plugin, but as I said, I’m null for that kind of magic.

    1. There’s no option to indent individual lines or paragraphs, as if it were an italics or bold button. It would be handy for the visual editor, I’d say. There is the option to “increase/decrease indent”, however it affects the entire text. And I don’t want that; I would like to have the option to indent the first line of every paragraph, for instance, rather that indenting the whole thing.

    2. Distraction free view – it was definitely better as it was before, when the entire text would occupy the entire screen: all the options would disappear, the “toolbar toggle” would as well, even the title would be out of sight. Now, that’s what I considered a “distraction free” view.
    I couldn’t say I’m exactly happy with the new “distraction free” view; it takes a small movement of the pointer to bring everything out, and that’s handy, but sometimes it’s annoying. This is just an observation, although I would like a “more improved distraction free” view, for instance, by making absolutely everything disappear from sight: the toolbar, the title, the options … And then a slight swish of the pointer and everything would be back.

    Thank you, WordPress. Despite these little things, it has been a real joy using your site and writing. It’s been an adventure, really.

    Thank you,

    Ian Blázquez.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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