Visitors vs Views vs Countries

  • I was looking at the difference between Visitors and Views, and I believe I understand what was being said. For instance, I had 1 visitor with 13 views, so that means that 1 person had viewed 13 pages on my blog, according to what I read.

    But what confuses me is that 10 of the views were from the US, 2 from the United Kingdom and 1 from South Korea. If there was only 1 visitor, how is this the case?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m not showing those stats specifics for your site. Is this for the site If so, please let us know where you’re seeing that information so we can take a closer look. Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise.


  • Here is a screenshot I took at that time.
    Visitors vs Views vs Countries

  • Hi there,

    One thing to bear in mind is that not all stats are in real time, but require some effort to process on our end. For example a “view” is typically reported within five minutes. However, it can take up to two hours for new “visitors” to show up in your stats. So depending on when you check, you may notice differences like this if you try to add up stats in this way.

    So to use your example 13 views could have come from several visitors. If one of the was a repeat visitor who had been to your site before, they would be counted very quickly and you would see them listed within minutes. But it may be the case that you had two new visitors from other countries so you would not see them listed as “visitors” for a few more hours, but you would see their “views” within minutes, and those would contribute to the 13 total views you saw at that time.

    Because of this, we recommend that you not put too much effort into evaluating your “day of” stats but instead focus on waiting 24 hours. Stats from the day before are much more stable and accurate that stats on the day of, which are fluid and changing.

    More info here:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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