Visitors clicking to unknown, not provided by me, link

  • In my blog stats I’m seeing, now for the second time, under Clicks/”Your visitors clicked these links on your blog,” a link to an add that I know I didn’t put anywhere on my blog.

    It’s a google syndication link. Today’s link is “…” which when clicked on, led to

    This “pagead2.googlesyndication” has showed up under the Clicks Made by Visitors before. I sure don’t want to be perceived as being related to or having referred a reader to something I’ve not even seen myself. I don’t know where they are seeing it, I don’t see it.

    Can someone fill in the blanks for me here? Is there a security setting I’ve not used accurately, maybe?

    Much appreciated.

  • Hmm..I’m not sure. WordPress does put up ads now and you won’t see them when you’re logged in but your visitors will. I REALLY am hoping wordpress lets us pay to have no ads. :I

  • I don’t like the sound of that Weirdscience, as it relates to my blog that is. No way do I want visitors going to something I’ve not yet seen. I’m here at to get away from adds, and have security for me and my readers….

  • Yep, I can totally appreciate what you’re saying. I too thought this was an ad free zone when I signed on. We’ll see what happens in terms of the ad issue. Like I said, hopefully this will change. It’s especially upsetting to me because of my audience (kids/teens) and the ‘appropriate’ factor is a big one. Also being non-profit/education oriented-ads just look tacky. Otherwise though, I have to say that wordpress is pretty ace for features and support. :)

  • where are you seeing those adds?
    I just signed out to check that out and I saw no adds on my blog!

  • I agree totally. I absolutely love I had no idea it might be them that caused it. I know and completely understand they need to make $ somehow! This blog family here is free for us and I’m not complaining.

    I didn’t know there would be any adds on my blog, though. I don’t look at my blog unless I’m signed in – I hadn’t viewed it outside of logging in that I recall. I never saw these adds on my blog. It’s disturbing. These adds IMO can easily be misconstrued as something I am blessing for my readers. I’ve even stated on my blog that I am not selling anything and I will carry no adds, that’s it’s an information only site, etc. I have to find a way to ensure there is no confusion, I guess.

  • Salamandrine – it was in my blog stats – someone clicked on the ad and it showed in my stats.

  • I understood what you said and that is really weird. What I’m saying is that I don’t see any adds on my blog, what so ever, even when I sign out. I didn’t even knew that wordpress had publicity on blogs.
    Is that really true?

  • I just logged out and looked, I don’t see them either. I’m going to shut down and clear my cache, etc. and then look again. Be back.

  • Still don’t see any adds on the blog. Maybe it’s only sometimes? It was today that the link occurred – I took a screen shot of the Stat mentioning the click. Now it’s driving me silly. Wish I just knew where they found it and what is causing it.

  • It’s not constant re: ads. They will come and go on various blogs. You may never even see one on yours.

  • I find that extremely weird, no to say unlikely.
    Maybe someone from the team can clarify this, please?

  • I can post the screen shot temporarily probably if you’d like to see it. Of the click showing in the stats – not the add showing on the blog itself, still haven’t seen it.

  • If they need to do that, I’d like to have say in what adds they are going to pass through my blog.

  • If you do a search, you can see previous info on this. :)

    On Ads

  • Thanks! I didn’t knew that. Never even crossed my mind since I haven’t seen any :S

  • Thank you weirdscience, that cleared it up. Kind of. Still wish I had say over what kind of adds, since I evidently do have readers clicking on them.

    We’ll see how it all plays out. Thanks again.

  • I am so glad to have seen this thread. It’s been driving me crazy because I too just started seeing “” on my Clicks stats. Three today so far! At least this explains it. I thought I had accidentally embedded the code myself, but couldn’t find it no matter how hard I looked. Phew!


  • Just to let you know folks that all the time you’re logged into, no matter what blog you visit (unless it’s a premium blog like Scoble or I can Haz Cheezburger? you won’t see the Google Ads.

  • @cornell
    Thanks for making that clear. Also note folks that VIP blogs are allowed to advertise

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