visitors can’t comment on previous posts

  • My visitors comment okay on today’s post but when they linked to a previous post they were unable to comment there. It shows NO option for comments. Please help

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I can’t see any post like that in the first two pages of your blog. Which post are you talking about?

  • I have a post today called One Weekend = 60 servings. I show a link to a previous post for Tamale Pie. My visitor went there but was unable to leave a comment. I also did the same thing, while logged out, and could not even find the place to click comments.

  • Just left you a comment there (also while logged out). Perhaps you should try logging out, clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, and restarting it.

  • OK I did everything you said except the cookie thing. I couldn’t find whatever that is. I went in and still don’t see a place for comments. In addition I clicked on the Meatloaf recipe and it shows an error page and says the page is gone! It was there yesterday. What am I doing wrong?

  • I can see the Meatloaf recipe fine. Which browser are you using?

  • Safari Help > Search “Cookies” > Removing Cookies

    To remove cookies:
    Choose Safari > Preferences.
    Click Security.
    Click Show Cookies.
    Select one or more cookies and click Remove, or click Remove All.
    When you finish removing cookies, click Done.

    In the Help list about cookies you can also read about cookies, how to manage them, and so on.

  • I have cleared all cookies and cache. (Thanks for telling me where they are.) I can now get to my meatloaf recipe and the Tamale Pie. BUT there is still no space to leave a comment. I’m checking this without logging in and my husband is sitting here with his laptop and he can’t get a way to leave comments. Now what?

  • Did you see pana’s comment on the Tamale pie recipe?

    Note that you have to scroll all the way down past the end of your widgets in the sidebar before you get to the comments.

  • I can see her comment from inside WP but not from outside. In other words, I can go to my comment section from my dashboard and I see it there. But if I log out and go to my website or someone else goes to my website, the comment word is not there to either make a comment or read the comments. My husband just this minute checked it again.

  • Logged out and looked at your blog.
    This is at the top of your most recent post on your home page:

    “Wondrous Words Wednesday #2
    February 18, 2009 in Wondrous Words | Tags: vocabulary | 3 comments”
    Clicking on “3 comments” brings me to the comments section.

    This is what I see when you go to your home page then click the title of that post:
    “Wondrous Words Wednesday #2
    February 18, 2009 in Wondrous Words | Tags: vocabulary”
    Scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen, and there is the comment section.

  • Yes, the comments are on my front/home page. But go to the second post – One Weekend = 60 Servings and link to one of the recipes, for instance Tamale Pie. Click here to go to the page and see if you can enter a comment.

  • You’ll need to change the settings from your Dashboard > Discussion
    & change the setting you have to be logged in to leave a comment

    Please refer to this Screen Shot

  • joyfully, what version of Safari are you using? Until 3x it was notoriuous for not playing well with WordPress. There are a bazillion threads and posts about it here, but this is probably most useful:

    o/ – hi Tess!

  • ellaella (hi) may be on to something. I just logged out again and made a comment on tamale pie. No need to change any settings.

  • I just downloaded Foxfire. I go to and then go to my Tamale Pie. Still no way to leave comments. I don’t understand how this will affect my visitors who don’t have Foxfire. Are you telling me that because I didn’t have Foxfire when three months ago when I first made the Tamale Pie post that it’s now messed up? I’m sorry. I just don’t get it.

  • I misunderstood which post was giving you trouble and just left a comment on the recent post that links to tamale pie. There is no comment box at the older one (firefox 3.0.6) – please check your dashboard settings in Settings>Discussion>Other Discussion Settings and see if the box to automatically close comments after X number of days is checked. If so, uncheck and save your changes.

  • It has always been set at 0 days.

  • Is the checkbox unchecked? (Might sound like a silly question, but saying it’s “set” makes me wonder.)

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