Views for a day in the past growing.

  • I have noticed that over the past couple of days, the amount of views my blog has had has grown for the 3rd of December.

    I assumed that at midnight on the 3rd of December the amount of views logged would not grow. On that night the view count was 30. Since then it has grown twice and is now 102 views but only 22 visitors. Similarly, the amount of views for yesterday, the 4th of December seems to have grown from around 18 views (when I last looked) to 63 views this morning and 40 visitors.

    Can the views count be behind by a day like this? The true reflection number of views and visitors not be calculated until the next day?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just to add a little more confusion. My ‘Best Ever’ views count is still 30.

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