View full size issue

  • Hi guys,

    I’m having an issue with my image gallery:

    Some pictures appear in full size; some not. Here’s an example:

    1st image – not showing in full size:

    2nd image – not showing in full size:

    3rd image – ok in full size:

    Thanks for your feedback!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Vincent,

    I viewed the first three images in your gallery with the image carousel and they all load perfectly from my end using Google Chrome 21.0.1180.82.

    What browser and version are you using?

    Can you try clearing your browser cache, along with an alternate browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (to narrow down a browser issue)?

  • Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for taking the time to help me out with this.

    I’m using the exact same version of Google Chrome as you (21.0.1180.82). I cleared my cache but that doesn’t make any difference.

    I tried it on Safari and Firefox and there also I’m having the same issue:
    – 1st image: not showing in ‘view full size’ (in carousel showing ok)
    – 2nd image: also not showing in ‘view full size’ (in carousel showing ok)
    – 3rd image: showing ok in ‘view full size’

    I’m almost sure it has nothing to do with the type of browser but more with the actual image file and/or the size of the file.

    According to Firefox the first and second images can’t be displayed because it contains errors. Image details:
    – 1st image: JPEG Image; 0.04 KB (37 bytes); 0px × 0px (scaled to 1440px × 787px)
    – 2nd image: JPEG Image; 0.04 KB (37 bytes); 0px × 0px (scaled to 1440px × 754px)
    – 3rd image: JPEG Image; 1155.86 KB (1183600 bytes); 2499px × 1944px (scaled to 1011px × 787px)

    It looks like it has something to do with the dimensions and scaling of the images. Do you know if there is any limitation in size in order to properly view it in full size (button right under image in carousel)?

    – 1st image: View full size 4320×3240
    – 2nd image: View full size 2500×1875
    – 3rd image: View full size 2499×1944

    I used Lightroom to enhance those pictures. Maybe there’s something wrong with my settings when I exported the pictures to WP or maybe something went wrong with the rescaling in the media gallery of WP itself?

    I’m pretty lost at the moment… :-)

    Thanks again for your help.


  • Hi Vincent,

    I’m sorry for my misunderstanding. After clicking the “View full size” link in the image carousel for the first two problematic images, I can see exactly what you’re referring to.

    I’ll take a closer look at this and will be in touch with updates.

  • Can you send us one of the original photos, or upload it to Dropbox (if you have an account), and email the URL to us so we can view the file?

    Please email us at support [at] from the email address associated with your account*, then reply to this forum thread.

    * You can view the email address associated with your account from the Settings tab on the home page.

  • (And please include the URL of this forum thread in your email. Thanks!)

  • Hello Brian,

    I uploaded the pictures to Dropbox and sent you the link to support [at]

  • Thanks Vincent. We’ll take a look and reply back here as soon as we can.

    I appreciate your patience!

  • Hi Vincent,

    It appears that at least one of the image files you sent has “exe” in its binary code, which is tripping a security alert on our end that prevents the original files in that post from being displayed. (This is a rare occurrence, and I apologize for the inconvenience.)

    Can you try re–exporting the images from Lightroom, remove the images from the current gallery for that post, reupload the newly–exported images to that post, and insert the updated image gallery?

    Please let me know how that works for you as I’d like to know if this is an isolated incident.

    I do find this curious because I’m also a Lightroom user and haven’t come across this yet on my blog. I’m still using Lightroom 3.6, but I hope to upgrade to 4.1 really soon.


  • Hello Bryan,

    I re-exported some of the images (7 in total) from Lightroom (version: 4.1) and re-uploaded the newly exported images to a new post (wanted to keep the other post to compare).

    Here’s the link:

    I have the same issue again… :-(

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi Vincent,

    I’m sorry for the delay! Can you reply to Velda’s email? She has another follow up question that might narrow things down.


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