Videos making appearance of blog funny

  • I figured out HOW to add a youtube video, but when i did this all my sidebars went to the bottom because it was TO BIG!

    LOL I can believe they make it so difficult to place videos on here!

    I suppose there is a way to make the video screen smaller to your sidebar doesn’t have a fit?

  • The affliate links in your posts need to go. They’re against the ToS. Ditto on all those “links” to

    I can believe they make it so difficult to place videos on here!

    Just because you don’t understand how to do something dsoesn’t mean it’s difficult. Instead of complaining and being rude, how about an example of what you’re looking at? Considering that the theme I see on your blog has a content width wider than the typical youtube video, what’s probably occuring is you’re doing something incorrect.

  • Mike:

    I didn’t realize being frustrated at times is considered rude.

    I have another blog on a different site, and when some friends of mine realized I was going to start another one they told me to come here instead of staying where I was. I had embedded videos before – at other sites – and never had an issue. I have been playing with this all morning – THUS my frustration! If it came across rude – I apologize but it wasnt’ my intent! I was coming from experiences on other sites that’s all!

    I had the video up from youtube this morning – it was a humorous one that spoke about RSS. When I finally figured out the “[” and “youtube=” then link – the closing “]” in the code section it appeared. I just changed it to a link for now directly to youtube. was the link.

    It looks like the width of the screen was to wide. How I figured that out was I erased everything else in the post and saved it. The sidebars when to the bottom. I erased the video – and left the post – the sidebars were fine.

    Sounds like the video size to me. Could be wrong – but that is what I came up with, and how I came up with it.!

  • htstore, the way embeds the youtube video, it wouldn’t be the video width as that theme is way wider than the youtube videos. How about this, create the post again and change the timestamp for now to something older than everything on your main page (so it doesn’t screw it up) and then link us back the post URL so we can take a look!


  • Thank you Trent.

    I decided to change themes – and then video was fine.

    I appreciate your feedback! I will keep that in mind in case it happens again!

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