VideoPress Spage Storage

  • Bună ziua.
    Aș dori să migrez la planul Bussines. Vreau o clarificare referitor la spațiul disponibil oferit de WordPress. Dacă am înțeles bine, planul Bussines permite, prin Videopress, un spațiu nelimitat pentru videoclipurile mele, fără să-mi consume cei 200 GB alocați de planul Bussines.

  • Sorry, it-s Romanian language
    I would like to migrate to the Bussines plan. I want a clarification regarding the available space offered by WordPress. If I understood correctly, the Bussines plan allows, through Videopress, an unlimited space for my videos, without consuming the 200 GB allocated by the Bussines plan.
    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    If you’re on the Business Plan, and using custom themes or plugins on your site, then video uploads will not count towards the 200GB storage limit at this time, no, as explained at

    However, we are constantly reviewing our plan offerings, and it’s possible this might change in future.

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