Video uploading failure

  • Hello I’m trying to upload an MP4 video. It’s well within the maximum size limit. However, I get the message “This site can’t be reachedThe webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR” Does anyone know why this might be happening? What might I do to upload this video, please? With many thanks, Rob

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Rob –

    Thanks for writing to us. I can see that you have a domain connected to the account. When a domain has changes made to the name servers it can sometimes mess things up for a few days, as we wait for those changes to propagate around the globe.

    I do not think that is the case here. There are still 19gb of storage space available on that site. Can you please tell me if adding the file from this page works?

    Looking at the site I can see that the menu is really loaded down with too many links. This can affect site performance and mobile optimization as well. I would try to reduce the overall size of the menu so things can continue working as expected.

  • Hi Zinnia

    Thanks for your reply. I tried the multi-file uploader and that only uploaded 11% and stopped.  I then tried the browser uploader and unfortunately it returned this error message:

    This site can’t be reached

    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    The size of the video is around 0.4GB, so it is small enough to be OK. How may I get this video to upload, please?

    I realise there are a lot of menu items, but I wonder how I can cut it down.  How might I direct people to the various resources on it, I wonder, unless I provide menu items for each one?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    With kind regards


  • Hi there,

    If you are able to share the file with us directly (via a Dropbox or Google Drive link, for example) we’re happy to download your file and test to see if we can upload it.

    If you prefer not to share that download link in public, you can create a draft page on your site (unpublished) and let us know the title so we can get it that way.

    I realise there are a lot of menu items, but I wonder how I can cut it down. How might I direct people to the various resources on it, I wonder, unless I provide menu items for each one?

    You may want to consider creating “top level pages” for each of the tabs in your menu, and then on that page directly you can add a list of links (and any other text/images you wish) to create what is essentially an index page of that top level topic.

    That way instead of fitting all the options into dropdowns, you can just send them to the “Audiovisual resources” page for example, and when they get to that page they can see the full list of options on the page itself.

    This will allow you to simplify your menu to just a few choices, but offer more options on the next page.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Hi I have tried uploading a small MP4 file usign a different browser (Firefox) and it has failed. On the browser uploader it reads “Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to infiorm them of this problem.” The multifile uploader also failed: it started, then stopped. I can send you a file to test, but how might I do that, please? I would value any help you could give, as I would like to get the MP4 uploaded as soon as possible.

  • Hi there, the errors you’re describing sound like connectivity issues, or perhaps something on your local computer that’s causing trouble. This error message, if it was copied and pasted, does sound a little concerning, too:

    Please contact the website owners to infiorm them of this problem.

    Can you confirm whether that’s exactly what it said?

    I can send you a file to test, but how might I do that, please? I would value any help you could give, as I would like to get the MP4 uploaded as soon as possible.

    There are a number of file-sharing sites that would work: Dropbox, wetransfer, or whatever works best for you. You upload the file, then you’ll need to send a link to us.

  • Hi Thnk you for your reply. Yes, that was exactly what the message said, except that the word ‘inform’ was correctly spelt (I misspelt it as ‘infiorm’). I will now upload a file to Dropbox and send you the link.

    Thank you.

  • I have good news and bad news: they both uploaded without a hitch, so I don’t know what could be causing the error.

    This error is telling, though:

    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    Do you only get that when uploading videos, or is that pretty consistent? Are you able to reach wp-admin? And, do you have any software on your computer or perhaps some configuration on your network that could be blocking things?

  • Hi Thanks for yor reply, I appreciate your help in this. No, I’m not able to reach wp-admin, in fact, I get an error:

    This site can’t be reached

    Check if there is a typo in the%20webpage%20at%20https.


    I don’t think I have any configuration on my network that could be blocking things. However, I do have Kaspersky as my security software, and I wonder if this is the problem. I intend to replace Kaspersky soon, and use another security system. I have been able to upload images fine recently, so it only seems to be videos that fail to be uploaded. I will try some more options. In the meantime, if you have any advice, I’d be very grateful for it. With many thanks and kind regards, Rob

  • Hi I have tried some video uploads. A video of only 21MB in size uploaded successfuly, but one of 136MB didn’t, either on FireFox or Chrome. Using the multi-file uploader, I received the message “Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.” I will try contacting Kaspersky to see if they think it’s their software.

  • Hello

    I have disabled Kaspersky Total Security from I am still having the same problem. I can upload a very small video of 21MB, but when I upload a longer video of around 136MB I still get the message

    This site can’t be reached

    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


    I do not know what to do next – I think this may be a problem, rather than my computer. If you can help in any way to resolve this soon, I would be really grateful. Thank you.

  • Hello I also get this error message on Firefox as well as Chrome. In the case of Firefox the error reads differently. It says

    Secure Connection Failed

    An error occurred during a connection to

    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

    Thank you for any help you can give.

  • Hi there,

    I successfully uploaded both videos to your site’s Media Library. So, I don’t think something is wrong with your site or the videos.

    Also, the error messages you’re getting in both browsers suggest an issue with your internet connection. So, I recommend trying a different internet connection -if possible- and see if that fixes the problem.

    Also, those connection issues can be caused by security software (such as antivirus), VPN, or even browser extensions. So, if you have such software, I suggest disabling them and trying the upload again.

  • Hi Thanks for your reply. I’m not sure what other Internet connections I can try. If I put in a Ethernet wire between my BT hub and my PC, would that make any difference? But I would still be using a BT Internet connection. I have disconnected Kaspersky from checking WordPress, so there shouldn’t be any problem with this security software. I have also tried disabling all extension on Chrome, and I have no extensions on Firefox. I don’t know about VPN, I’m not really familiar enough with this. But I haven’t knowingly changed any VPN settings since uploading the videos in past years. I’m not sure what the way forward is on this issue, and any further tips would really be most welcome.

    With many thanks


  • Hi there, I noticed that you are going to the old wp-admin view for the media library. I’m not sure that this would work but what if you try to upload here instead?

    I’m not sure what other Internet connections I can try. If I put in a Ethernet wire between my BT hub and my PC, would that make any difference?

    Do you have a smartphone that you can use as a cellular “hot spot” and connect to that instead of your usual network? If you are using a laptop, do you have the optoin to visit a local cafe, library, university, or some other wifi network and see if it works there?

    Also to clarify, if you have a smartphone, are you able to log into on your phone, and then test uploading videos from your phone?

    As others have mentioned here, this seems like an issue that is very specific to your current wifi network or an issue with your provider. Anything you can do to test the above options will help us to narrow things down. With this in mind can you let me know if you have any issues in loading the following URLs

    As well, I would like you to run the following network test:

    Can you tell me the results you get for:

    • Latency
    • Download speed
    • Upload speed

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Hello

    Thank you all for your advice and help, I really very much appreciate it. I have today tried uploading to the new media page

    and this has worked fine. So the problem is resolved, and I have been able to upload the video.

    With many thanks again, Rob

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