Video Size Limit?

  • I just bought the video upgrade for a series of large videos I want to share. The files range from 1.3 to 1.7 GB and about 90 minutes in length. This shouldn’t be a problem, because, as the site says, “VideoPress supports videos up to two hours in length and uploads up to 2 GB in size.” However, these are rejected as too large when I try to upload them. What gives? Is the VideoPress site incorrect about the limits?
    Blog url:

  • I would like to get some more information.

    1. What web browser and version are you using?
    2. Where are you encountering the issue? Please send specific links.

    Screenshots are a huge help – can you please send screenshots of the issue so we can better understand the issue? Please see for information on making screenshots.

  • mcdonaldcentre · Member ·

    1. I’m using the latest Chrome, though I tried it in IE with the same result.
    2. Occurs when I try to upload the file (i.e., when I “Select Files” in the Media Library – Add New screen).

    Screen shot:

    In the meantime, I’ve reduced my video size, which suffices as a temporary workaround, but I would prefer to upload the full-sized ones, given that VideoPress specifically promises the ability to upload videos up to 2 GB.

  • The maximum upload size as it is stated on the screenshot is 1G as it is also written in the VideoPress support page:

    “How big of a file can I upload?
    We’ve had good success with file sizes up to 1 GB. You can try file sizes up to 1.4 GB, but your experience may vary. Remember, uploading big files can take a long time!”

  • mcdonaldcentre · Member ·

    However that site is contradicted by, which reads, “VideoPress supports videos up to two hours in length and uploads up to 2 GB in size. Your video platform should not limit your storytelling or creativity.” So it seems that one of these sites is in error…

  • Thank you for reporting this, I will forward this information in order to have it corrected.

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