Very slow site and wp editing.

  • Hello,

    I started to create a wp site recently but the editing is going very slow. The site loading is slow as well. When I published it to see how I progress and see what its looks like, everything takes too long. What the issue can be? Maybe some plugin?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It might be a browser conflict or slow internet connection, or it may be one of the plugins you have installed. I don’t see anything off-hand that should be slowing things down, but we should look into this more for you.

    Since we’ll need to take a look at your site’s backend and since you have a Business plan, you have access to priority email support which will get you help more quickly than posting in the public support forums. You can access this priority support from your account page:

    Support will be able to log into your site’s backend and be able to advise and troubleshoot your problems in the editor.

    I hope that helps!

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