Very odd stats count

  • A site is referring traffic from their site:

    To my Post:

    An Evening Sail on the America’s Cup Yacht America

    The referring count is about twice the count on my site for views – I had a thing like this some time back and there was a sneak link I missed – I have looked all over the referring Post and can not see a reason for the odd count – there is a link to another Post on my site – but that count seems to be accurate

    Any idea what I am missing?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi auxclass, I don’t see a reason for the odd count, either. I’m checking with our team to find out if there’s another reason for the discrepancy between the referring count and the views on that post. I’ll let you know what I find out! :)

  • Thanks

    One of the days where traffic was a bit light early in the day had the odd count again – it looks like the views of the pictures in the Gallery are being counted as Referral Stats – but I can’t remember that happening in the past – but then I don’t do a lot of galleries – so has the count method been changed?

    Early this morning local time it also looked like the page views per country was under-counting the country stats – it looked like the Philippines were being under-counted (the country count was quite a bit lower than the page views) – yes I know that it is not always possible to determine the country – but the counts just seemed odd

  • Hi auxclass, it’s possible those gallery views are being counted in the referrer views for that post, but I haven’t confirmed that yet. As soon as I get more details from our stats experts I’ll let you know.

    Early this morning local time it also looked like the page views per country was under-counting the country stats

    The Countries module only includes views that can be tied to a specific country, so the total number of views you see for various countries may not add up to the total views on your site. (If the country can’t be determined, the view isn’t counted in the Countries section of your stats.) That’s why sometimes the country count is lower than the overall page views.

  • Thanks for checking

    I know the country is “best estimate” One person I know used to live in Seattle, his visits to my site were always from Washington DC and a different IP number for each page – – (way back when I had a different stats package and could see more info)

    Since I don’t have access to the server logs and such checking is a difficult – and it was early in the AM and I did not feel like getting up and Booting up my PC and looking at another stats package to see if there was anything obvious – (the stats stream by quickly so not much history on the 3rd party stats)

  • I’ve confirmed your suspicion about those gallery views — any time sometimes clicks through from that referrer to your post, and from there to your gallery, each view in the gallery is added to that referrer’s view count. (That isn’t a recent change in how referrer views are counted, although it could have been different at some point.) There’s no immediate plan to change how those views are counted, but I see how that’s unclear and it’s on the team’s radar now. :)

  • Thanks

    I don’t remember things working that way in the past – but I don’t do a lot of gallery posting – I think the last large gallery that would have had a tightly controlled referral system would have been two or three years back – so not much history – and it is quite confusing

    thanks for passing the behavior on to the proper folks

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