Vertical Images Unresponsive in Gallery

  • Vertical image thumbnails in a gallery are not responsive to the square size rather they are being stretched and look terrible. Given that my front page is a gallery of images, it looks absolutely unprofessional and is not okay. I’ve been told this is a known bug/issue but it is still not fixed. And, when I attempt to chat with someone, they are 1) extremely slow to respond and 2) unaware of any issues. It just appeared out of nowhere on a gallery of images that was perfect until very recently. Can someone please advise when we can expect a resolution to this issue. Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @faireunvoeu can you send a link to the site?

  • Hello @faireunvoeu

    Are you referring to the images in your website’s blog section ? Do you want them to look more square than rectangle?

    Also, how do you want your website’s front page gallery to look like?

  • Hi there,

    I’ve been told this is a known bug/issue but it is still not fixed.

    That is correct. This is a bug. Our developers are working on getting it fixed, but until they do that, there’s nothing else we can do, and opening multiple new support requests are not going to change anything.

    As we told you via email on Sunday, we’ll let you know there once there is an update on this. I’m closing this forum thread as a duplicate.

  • The topic ‘Vertical Images Unresponsive in Gallery’ is closed to new replies.