varia theme – morden – customization/cosmetic changes

  • My website is:

    I’ve asked about different cosmetic customizations before but this one is about the buttons and menu.

    I want to change the red color to this blue: #5F9EA0
    I managed to change the search button to the color and some of the product buttons for my shop but for reasons unknown to me it didn’t change all of them. I’ve already tried using the WooCommerce Customizer also and that didn’t change any button colors at all.

    I would also like to change the red buttons from the drop-down menu. I basically just want that red color gone and replaced with the blue color.

    And if possible, is there a way to customize the search bar? I want to be able to fit it in a narrower column without filling in two lines. (I currently have it placed in a wider column because it’s quite chunky.)

    Thank you for any and all the help!

    (Tagged ‘staff’ since I remember having to do that before for this theme.)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please just ignore this. I decided to get a different theme since I had some other things I ended up changing anyway that no longer fit the Morden theme.

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