Using the Modlook tag

  • We want the forums to stay constructive and a decent place to read and assist others. We can’t see every post as soon as it happens though – using this tag can help moderators home in on issues and you know that we will do something.

    Anyone can add a tag to any thread. If you see a thread that needs a moderator to look at you can add the ‘modlook’ tag.
    Normally this would be:
    – someone posts spam
    – someone posts abuse
    – email addresses are in posts
    – a post full of code
    – someone just plain spamming lots of threads
    – when a post belongs in another forum (usually off-topic)
    – sigs in posts

    We check for the tag many times a day. If when the thread is looked at the reason for the modlook is obvious then action will be taken and the tag removed. If we can’t figure it out we might ask.

    Modlook can be used in the Off Topic forum – spam is spam wherever it is.
    Modlook canot be used for disagreements or because someone posted in “your thread”.

    If a spammer starts a thread then the whole thread could be deleted. If you commented in that thread your comment may be lost. (Sometimes those threads can get very funny though in which case we might just remove the bad stuff that started it).
    If a spammer posts to a thread then any other comments that refer to that post would be removed when the spam post is removed – your comment would make no sense otherwise.

    If you are curious, the tag
    the feed for that tag

  • Mark, thanks for posting this.

  • Glad for this clarification, Mark, though I do hope that using the modlook tag for support issues can continue where appropriate, because it does sometimes happen that we users don’t know the right answer to a question.

  • If we shouldn’t use modlook for support issues, should we just tell them to contact support instead?

  • If it’s something where we need to ask more information, get someone to test doing things and report what they see then contacting Support is better.

    But yes, it does have a role here for those which can be solved more easily and which add to the help that can be gained here. Makes sense to get more information out :)

    I’ll edit that line out of the above.

  • Well, since you’re editing – don’t you mean “hone” on instead of “home” in? :)

    And thanks for the clarification :)

  • Mark, Thanks for the clarification. :)

  • Mark-would it be worthwhile to sticky this in the support forum forum?

    (BTW-I think maybe the present sticky about image size is “resolved”.)

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