Using P2 with IE6…anything I can do?

  • I recently changed the theme of our group blog to P2, which most of us like a lot. But lo and behold, it turns out one of our contributors spends most of his time on his work laptop which only has IE6. The company he works for has very strict IT policies and no user can install software. They don’t plan on upgrading anytime soon (which is a whole ‘nother discussion).

    Anyway, he says he simply cannot read or contribute to the blog now. Everything is slow and it never loads correctly. Obviously, this is a limitation of IE6.

    I’ve done some searching and I’ve seen some solutions (using conditional comments in the style sheet, etc.) that would work for a self-hosted blog, but nothing for a blog.

    Would anyone like to explain to me what the actual issue is and whether there’s a workaround short of switching back to a standard theme?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • IE6, being over 9 years old, is a problem and I can’t see any responsible IT department still using it since it is so full of security holes. The trend right now with many web developers is simply not to support IE6 anymore. It is just too much of a hassle and limits what people can do.

    That said, I don’t know of anything that can be done. They could try posting by email, , but that still has some bugs so I don’t know how well it would work for them. If they are still on IE6, then most likely they are still on a very old email client as well. It would be worth trying though.

  • That’s what I thought. Hard to believe that they’re still rolling with IE6. I can’t imagine the viruses that must be on that laptop.

    I figured this was a dead end. Now I now for sure.


  • Have them try with the email posting method and see what happens. It might just work for them.

  • Or perhaps an offline blog editor like Blogdesk, which does run on IE6 just fine. It’s also a free download which you should be able to run off a disk or a thumb drive.

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