Using a block editor for Comments

  • the use of the block editor for comments and replies has a big thumbs down on my site.

    not only this, it is no longer possible to edit the comment. You can try, and it’s reports that the comment has been updated, but the edit is lost – often with some of the original comment.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @knashermac2009, thanks for reporting this.

    You can try, and it’s reports that the comment has been updated, but the edit is lost – often with some of the original comment.

    Could you share an example comment so we can see what’s happening there? Thanks in advance!

  • when you edit a comment that contains an image, firstly you have to edit the html – not in block editor format. Secondly, the image disappears.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for that extra detail – are you able to provide a link to the comment, or point us in that direction so that we can take a look at what could be happening there.

    Many thanks in advance!


    the above is a link to the editing panel.

    You will see that you need to know html to edit a comment (not useful)

    You will also see WP:image block with a link to an image. This image was ok when the original comment was made, but disappeared after t he comment had been edited.

  • Is there a way to disable the block editor in comments on a free hosted blog? Are there any settings the admin can set/change?

    Is there a help guide on how a commenter should use this editor?

    It looks like it is useless on an old Andreas09 blog. Most things simply don’t work. Check for example on Try to use features of the block editor there, or embed a video, or even post a picture. Not only the fancy features don’t work, but even the previous functionality is gone…

  • I’m an admin on a site that is primarily for people to chat and post information. The update to the comment box has left everyone very confused about what they’re meant to do in the comment box.

    In addition, this update has completely broken the ability to post links to twitter, youtube etc. It no longer embeds video or tweets, instead it just presents a link to the external site.

    Please revert the comment box back to how it was before, or at least make embeds work properly.

  • Hello everyone,

    It is not possible to disable this functionality, but we greatly appreciate all of your detailed and constructive feedback.

    This update was the start of an ongoing project to improve the experience and functionality of comments on sites. We are sharing feedback directly with the developer team and appreciate this ongoing conversation so that we can work together to improve the experience.


  • How is it possible to put into production an editor with so many problems, without warning the blog administrators, without documentation about the changes and without offering alternatives other than “patience”?
    It is clear that we are free users but….

  • @staff-dragon if this was intended as an improvement, it has failed spectacularly. You’ve removed functionality and made it more complicated to post a simple comment. I would recommend testing with actual users, before rolling out any more ‘improvements’.

  • You cannot demand from the average lay commenter to know, or to want to learn, how to use the blog editors. Neither everyone is a blogger, nor a WP blogger.
    It is as simple as that.

    The block model goes back to the CSS/HTML box model, which the WP developers have in mind, but the lay user should know nothing about it. Perhaps a small editor is indeed missing in comments, but that should be something simple and straightforward as the classic editor.

  • I am dismayed by the WordPress response that this ‘functionality’ cannot be reversed. This new comment system is not in the least functional for the majority of users. It has taken away the simplicity we had before and the ability to keep blogs alive with easy responses via comments and the ability to embed videos and display other media. It also doesn’t have a basic ‘Cancel Reply’ feature anymore – how are we meant to do that. Nor is it possible to edit comments.

  • everything seems to be back to normal this morning. Like some who have responded here, I have many users who are not blog editors so have no experience of the block editor – even less of HTML (which they need in order to edit a new comment). If it’s so easy to revert, perhaps we could have an option to keep comments simple.

    FYI most of my users still use a PC, some don’t have smartphones, none use smartphones for commenting. Maybe it’s an age thing (most of us are 65+) but we don’t like big changes. I have been running this site for more than 14 years and am finding it increasingly difficult to work around your various “improvements”. (The block editor for posts being the most notable).

  • Thank you WordPress for reverting to the old comments system. What a relief – and how much simpler and more functional it is. Please don’t change it again without testing it with users first. And please keep the ability to paste media links so they actually embed and display.

  • Hello everyone,

    As referenced by @rebeccariots2 and @knashermac2009, our developer team has reverted this change in order to address some of the feedback shared and improve the experience.

    Thank you again for all of the thoughts and feedback you shared, which help us make informed decisions like this on how to best roll out new functionality and improve your experience on

  • This forced change will NOT improve my users’ experiences of WP.

    When will you listen?

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