Using 2 Different Gravatars

  • Hi everyone –

    I use a specific Gravatar – it’s the logo of my blog, I’ll soon be working on a freelance project and they’ve requested I use a picture of myself as my photo on their site. Is it possible to use two different gravatars? I’d like to use my selfie for my freelance work, yet retain my original logo for all other commenting purposes (on my site and other blogs I frequent).

    I found out that you CAN use multiple email addresses on Gravatar, and you can assign each email a different Gravatar. I haven’t figured out, however, how WordPress would tell the difference or how to assign each gravatar to each purpose. Even in my freelance gig’s backend, it wants me to change the gravatar across the board.

    Is this possible to do, or do I need to start a brand new WordPress account under a different email to get it done?

    Thank you!

  • Is this possible to do, or do I need to start a brand new WordPress account under a different email to get it done?

    Hello there, Since your email address is your unique identifier, you would need to create a new account using that other email address. Make sure you are entirely logged out of this account on WordPressdotcom and then you can sign up for an account only username (no website) at this link

    After you create your new account, you’ll need to be added to the other site in the Admin role.

    Let us know if you have any other question about this.

  • Hi there,

    The freelance project, is their site on, or using the self-hosted WordPress sotfware?

    If it’s a self-hosted site, and they don’t force you to log in using via the Jetpack plugin, you can use your secondary Gravatar email address for your user profile on that site, as your profile on that site has nothing to do with your username.

    Note that if you’ve already used the email for your account for that site, it might take a while after changing emails there before the Gravatar image will update – it might be necessary for someone with access to the hosting account to flush the site’s cache for that to happen.

    If the other site is on, or forces login, then you’ll need a second account, as @justjennifer said above.

  • Thanks for the additional information @kokkieh. :)

  • Any time. At least, in theory this is how it should work :D

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