Users Unable to Subscribe

  • Several people have told me they tried to subscribe to my blog and were unable. So today I tested the issue by trying to subscribe to my own blog using an alternate email I have on a different service. I never got an email asking me to confirm my subscription, and I did check spam. Can you look into that for me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can you tell me the email address you used to test your subscription? When you post an email address here in the forums it will be redacted from public view, but staff members will still be able to see it.

  • Sure. It’s (email visible only to moderators and staff). I also tried to subscribe for one of my friends. She is (email visible only to moderators and staff). Don’t know if she got a confirmation email or not.

  • I see pending subscriptions to your site for both of those addresses. It looks like its only been an hour and a half, so let’s give it a little bit of time and see if the email turns up.

    I won’t be around tomorrow, but will you let me know if you don’t get the email but the end of the day Sunday? And I’ll follow up with you on Monday, unless another Happiness Engineer swoops in before I’m back. :)

  • Will do. Assumed it was instantaneous. Will let you know, thanks Shawn.

  • It usually is pretty instantaneous, but sometimes if the load is high it can take a little while to go out. :)

  • Hi Shawn,
    Unfortunately neither my friend nor I ever got a confirmation message so there’s definitely a problem with email subscription to my blog. Appreciate any help you can provide.

  • Alright. It looks like those emails never went out on our end for some reason. I’ve triggered a resend on those. Let me know if you still don’t get them.

    Anyone else who had trouble with this can trigger a resend of the confirmation email by entering their email address to sign up again.

    Sorry for the trouble!

  • All set, thanks Shawn (or is it Shawna)??

  • Happy to help! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do. (It’s Shawna :)

  • Hi Shawna, I just posted a weekly photo challenge response and once again my post came up down below a dozen posts that were already there before I posted, not at the top as a new post. Can you have a look to see if you can figure this out? Why are my posts coming up deep in the line of posts so that far fewer bloggers see them??? Thanks

  • The Daily Post shows everything in UTC time. So, even if the other posts show March 8, and yours shows March 7, it’s because you’re in different time zones. Changing your post date after the fact won’t change where your post shows up in the list of pingbacks, because the pingback itself has a time stamp associated with it.

    Does that clarify things?

  • Sorry, no, I don’t understand. Mine doesn’t show a different date, it slips in at an earlier time than the time I actually post it. I didn’t change my post after the fact.Sent from my iPad

  • It looks like your pingback came into the Daily Post at 10:06am UTC on March 8. Then the pingback was approved by our system to be displayed four hours later at 02:06pm UTC. When compared to the times of the other posts around yours, its in the correct spot.

    Sometimes pingbacks take a little while to go through and it looks like yours was held by our spam queue for a short while as well.

    Does that help?

  • Not really. 10:06 UTC on March 8 is when I posted. The post came up in the reader, both under Blogs I follow and under Weekly Photo Challenge within a few minutes, but it came in as if it had been posted much earlier so it showed up deep in the queue and was not seen by anyone who had already looked in the reader, therefore generating far fewer reads than usual. This is the third time this has happened and is definitely a bug in your system. Someone needs to get it fixed, it is very frustrating and the explanation doesn’t seem right because it showed up within a few minutes, not four hours later. I’m sorry but “wait until it happens again” isn’t helping at all.

  • Unfortunately, I can only look at the position your post is in at the current moment:

    I did all of the math to check the post times for the other posts around yours and given the recorded time that Akismet released your pingback, its in the right position. Is it in the same place as when you saw it originally?

  • Can’t be positive but probably. But it shows that I posted March 7 when actually I posted March 8. Does that tell you anything?

  • My only thought there is that you started the post on March 7th, and the publish date stayed there when you published. That can happen sometimes if you leave the browser window open overnight.

  • I did start the post on March 7 but don’t ever leave the browser window open overnight. I log off, shut down my network and then my computer every night. :-(

  • BTW, the actual time I received a copy of my post in my inbox was 10:06:38 am EDT on March 8.

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