User Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested

  • Hi,

    I’m getting the error message

    “User ???? Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested” (???? is my username) and it is telling me to ask myself to give myself Admin Permissions to the Dashboard.

    I used to have a blog hosted by WP but deleted it several months ago and stopped accessing my account. Now I have come back to WP and I get this message. It has allowed me to create an new blog, but I still get this message ever time I log in.

    Am I doing something wrong or should I abandon this account and start from scratch and re-register?

    Many thanks for any help anyone can give.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Lots of other people are having this problem. As far as I’m aware, there’s no solution right now. And starting from scratch is no guarantee it won’t happen to that blog either.

  • Same annoying situation here. I am the sole owner/user/administrator, period. Yet when I log in, WP takes me to an Error page which says I need to invite (myself)!!

    Are the WP Superiors even aware of this fluke? And if so, are they working on getting rid of the Error page hoop for bona fide, correctly-logged-in blog owners?

  • They are aware of it. It’s ongoing.

  • Make sure that you’re either logging in via or your blog’s Dashboard.

    The previous Global Dashboard login forms no longer work and should not have worked in the first place.

  • Thanks for the replies, guys. I thought it was something I’d done wrong rather than a general error.

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