url in blogrol opens in my window/page

  • An url I placed in my blogrol opens up in my window/page, and then my blog isn’t visible. How can i make the url open in an new window (so that the reader stays in my weblog)


  • If you are using the text sidebar widgets, use <a target=”_blank” href= instead of <a href=

    I don’t think you can do this with the blogroll.

    I looked at your page, it’s blogroll.

    Go to the manage links page and edit the link.
    On the right side, there’s a selector for “target”.

    Pick _blank and save your change.

  • It’s best to use _new in this case. It opens a complete new browser window. If you use _blank, if it’s been used before, it will just take over whatever window it was used in.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hmm… my experience has been if the target page doesn’t exist, no matter what you use (I use “foo” or “fubar” alot), it forces a new page/tab.

    I’ve noticed a certain lack of standardization.
    Some blog tools rewrite it as :
    a href=”…link…” target=”…targetpage”
    [ The forum software rewrote the link when I used the brackets!]

    Either way, it sets of all the XHTML alarms (like I care..).

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