Uploading Theme

  • Hi, I got a free theme from a friend. He told me to upload it in wordpress and play around with it. WordPress wants me to have a full on business account and pay $25 per month just to upload it. That is wayyy to expensive for the simple thing that I need. What are my options?

    Please Help.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, if all you want to do is play around with your friend’s theme, you can set up a temporary WP software sandbox on http://poopy.life/ (yes, that is the URL) and upload your friend’s theme there.

    Other options include finding a web hosting provider and after signing up with them, install your friend’s theme after installing WP on that site. Alternatively, you can create a localhost install of the WP software on your computer.

    We do not provide support here on WordPressdotcom for any of the above options but you can post to the WordPress.org/support forums for assistance or read the WP Codex for information.

    However, if you want to be able to use your friend’s custom theme here on a WordPressdotcom site, your only option is to upgrade to the Business plan upgrade.

    Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other question.

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