Uploading photos

  • I have just moved to WordPress from Blogger and am so frustrated I am ready to move back! I imported all my images from Blogger, but WordPress will only show them sometimes. If that isn’t bad enough, I can only seem to upload thumbnails onto WordPress, rather than regualar sized photos, and EVEN THEN, when WordPress is feeling nice (which today has been not at all!). Can anyone point me in the right direction with simple instructions? Keeping in mind that I don’t have Photoshop or anything like that? If you can help, your reward would be my everlasting gratitude…?

  • Here is FAQ http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/07/16/how-do-i-upload-pictures/

    If you have a look at faq regarding pictures, all your querries will be solved

  • Might help if you could have pointed us to a post containing a picture that you’re having an issue with. It’s frustrating for us when folks come in here moaning like you did but don’t give us anything to work with.

    Kind of like me holding up a book and telling you that you should know the title of it since I’m holding it up in front of the monitor.

    A quick looksee at your blog though shows this post as an example. Please note that the picture still resides on Blogger and did not import over. The importer actually just bring the link over, not the actual picture. And since blogger doesn’t allow hotlinking, the picture is not showing up.

    You have to save a copy of the picture in question and reupload it to WordPress.

    You’re going to have that issue anywhere you go actually. To get technical a bit, there are three main ‘API’s in the blogging community. None of them support picture transfers I’m afraid. You’re going to be faced with the same situation where ever you go.

    good luck,

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