Uploading PDF to files under Media

  • Good morning, I’m working on our local historical society site with a wordpress mock up so they can see how easy it is to use WP and I’m running into an issue I’ve not seen before. I’m trying to upload a PDF that is an 86MB file size to my files under Media, but I keep running into the same error no matter what I do. The error isn’t specific, so I’m just not sure what’s going on? Can you help me figure out what I might be doing wrong? Thank you!! Samantha
    This is the error message: 1 file could not be uploaded because an error occurred while uploading.

  • Hi Samantha –

    There are numerous sites registered to this account. Please indicate which one is giving you this error.

    The first thing I’d rule out is an issue with your internet connection. Run a speed test and try restarting the network. https://speedtest.net/

  • Thank you! I’m working on the “hoosickfallshistory” site for our local historical society.

    I ran the speed test and my download time was 13Mbps and upload is 11.

  • I’m definitely not seeing anything that would cause that at https://hoosickfallshistory.wordpress.com/

    First, please make sure that your browser is up to date: https://browsehappy.com/

    If it is not, please try updating your browser or switching to a different browser.

    If it is, please do these two things:

    1. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

    2. Try with all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily disabled.

    Please let us know how each step goes for you, and which browser (and version of) you’re using if you’re still having trouble.

  • Okay, I followed through on each of these and have the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox and tried on both with ad-block disabled and after clearing cache and it still is giving me the error. I tried a few of the other files, but each of the PDFs, they are all of similar size, fails to upload.

    These PDFs were made in a microsoft program. I converted to Adobe to see if that would help, but still not working. I’m able to open and see them in the blob URL, but not as an uploaded media file.

    What am I missing?? I’ve been using WordPress since 2005 and have never had this happen. Thank you for your help!

  • Just to troubleshoot whether the issue is with the PDFs or something else, can you try uploading a PDF from another source? We have some here you could test with:


    We can see too that you have previously uploaded PDFs a few days ago. Did anything change since then?

    Also, would you care if _we_ try to upload a test pdf on our end to see if we can get the same message? You could delete it of course when we finish troubleshooting.

  • Thank you!

    I’m happy to share it, but do you know how go about doing that on here?

    So, after your message, I went back and found a smaller file size, but same PDF format (made in with MS; not Adobe) and it uploaded without issue. I’m perplexed!

  • I’m happy that you have a working version uploaded now. We can certainly still collect the file that was not working via email if you want. Just let us know. We will send you an email and then you’ll be able to attach that file in your reply.

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