Uploading & manipulating music score extracts to a blog

  • I want to insert scores that I have composed in Sibelius.

    I have exported these as .png files onto my desktop and have found the only way to include them in a post is to click on the image, “copy” and then “paste” beneath my text within the post.

    However, the sizing is not great, and there seems to be a lack of clarity on the image (could be as a result of the exportation).

    Has anyone else managed to do this successfully with Sibelius files? I can’t seem to export the original score as a jpeg, which I know is a favourable media type.

    I have posted requests for help in my student-access forum within Sibelius, and have been told how to export the file, but I now seem to face an issue manipulating it in WordPress….

    Thanks to anyone that can shed some light on this…I wanna be a writer, not a techie, but it appears one needs to be both!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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