Uploading images

  • Where’s the “browse” button on the new draft layout? I can’t upload images from my own computer. When I click on “Media Library” it only brings up images I have already uploaded on previous posts. Am I missing something here?

  • In Write Post, it’s the first icon in the Add Media strip above the formatting icons.

  • I’m running on a Mac OS X and I don’t even have an Add Media Strip (just link I never had the edit button strip even under the old dashboard).

    So how do I upload, without the Add Media Strip?

  • OK, I’m stumped on your Mac problem. If you go here:


    and scroll down, you’ll see an image of the new Write area. It shows where the Add Media strip should appear. (Not a large image, so study carefully!)

  • So I see. Thanks Mike. The icon is not real clear and the process of uploading has been made more complicated. This is going to take some getting used to. It was much simpler before. Why do people always complicate simplicity?

  • I think they had to make such a big change in order to allow multiple uploads at one time. That feature is great! When you have to use it, you’ll love it!

  • I’ve used it and I’m sorry to say … it’s crap. It’s got too many steps and what’s going on with positioning it in the post? From what I can see you have to (1) upload it from your computer into the gallery (2) repeat the process by uploading it from the gallery into the post. And then you can only position it where you want it by cutting and pasting it. This is far too messy and complicated. It was much simpler before.

  • Hi there – thanks for your comment. I have uploaded my pics into the gallery but cannot get them into the post. They are all in JPG. Sorry to be a nuisance, but can you help? I can’t find where to get a URL for an image.

  • This new photo uploader is indeed crappy. It won’t load any photos into my post, regardless of size.
    Worked fine before!

  • For any image, you should be able to click Edit and get the URL from there. There’s another thread around where we walked through the whole process of posting a gallery, so try a search and you’ll probably find it, if it’s not still actually on the front page.

  • This shows how to add a single image to your post:

    How do I upload pictures? [Screencast]

    You don’t need to click on the gallery tab or do any extra steps. If that doesn’t work for you, please describe the problem in detail and include your browser and OS version. Also check the sticky post at the top of the forum about upgrading Flash.

  • I didn’t see any problems in uploading and posting an image into a post…… In fact as tellyworth said you don’t need to click on the gallery and reloading your uploaded images from there…. Its just the same as the old version . This time however you need to specify the image size and locations on the post before you send it to the editor….. It’s works fine with me. The only lack of features is the ability for “word warp” around the image which is still not available in the new Version…..


  • FWIW, upgrading flash worked for me (Fedora 7/Firefox).

    It will take time to get used to the new layout, but I’ll adapt.

  • What about uploading a document? I’ve been trying to upload a doc file for others to download and read. Can’t figure out how to do that.

  • please, can anybody advise, how to browse images,
    which have been uploaded to wordpress some time ago?
    before, there was such possibility, so that we could
    delete some of them.

    thanks in advence.

  • also, though there are no problem in uploading images
    and publishing them on the blog’s front page,
    there are some troubles with uploading,
    as i updating ABOUT category –

    after i show the path to the pic, and
    a pop-up screen jumps out, there are
    no reaction on the page at all.

  • Help

    I cant uplode any pictures to my post. The window which opens when I press the button “Upload Image” to the post is full of faults!!!!

    I dont like the new wordpress dashboard vision!

  • I looked at the little video to upload a picture but can’t seem to get the same things (insert picture into post, to the right, left, URL, etc.) after I have uploaded the picture. The little window just freezes and I only see the title and caption of the picture, and a button that says “save all changes.” When I try by clicking on “gallery,” I can only insert the whole gallery and not single pictures. What am I doing wrong???

  • Lulu13

    Yes I have the same problem! The windows is freezing…

  • Me too. After I upload a picture and try to insert in in the post the window tunrs white and just freezes. I have tried for a few days now and can’t get ANY pictures in my post!
    Someone please help. I really liked the older version better. Much more simple and never had problems.

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