Uploading a .doc file

  • I am new to the blogging world, and to wordpress. I have tried to upload a document file, but it will not appear on my blog. Am I looking in the wrong place? Where should the file appear once uploaded?

  • Yes, but it appears not to work correctly.

    Let me send in a Feedback and point it out to staff and see if we can get someone on this.

    Normally, it would be the same method as a picture but it’s placing the file in the wrong subdirectory.

  • OK, I’m trading emails with Andrew trying to show them how I caused the error. But I figured out a walk around for the time being.

    Same instructions as the FAQ for uploading pictures but with one difference. When you click on the text icon opnce you’ve uploaded the file, it will drop down with teh five options on how you want to handle the file. Do *NOTHING* but click on the “Send to editor” selection. Anything else will cause the link not to work correctly.

    You’re going to wind up with a link like the first one in this post. The second one is what I get when you start to mess with the menu and it doesn’t work.

    Hope this helps,

  • drmike

    Thanks for the help, works now. I appreciate it.

  • Mind you that the icon menu should give you options. Andrew says he’ll look into it for us.

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