Upgrading to a premium blog

  • I’m currently writing a travel blog using the free basic account but have drastically underestimated how much space I’m going to need for photos etc.

    I know that upgrading to a premium blog will give me 13GB of storage, which I think would be enough, but I have a couple of reservations.

    1/ Will I lose the content that I already have on this blog? I dont really need to upgrade my domain name, the only thing I’m looking for is a space upgrade.

    2/ If I cancel my subscription after our travels (around 5-6 months from now), will we still be billed the other 45 pounds for the rest of the year, or will it only cost us the 40 pounds for the months we have it for?

    I have also read that we wouldn’t lose any of our media files upon cancelling, we just can’t upload any more, but obviously we wouldn’t need to upload any more after our travels. Can anyone confirm this is the case?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Hey there,

    1/ Will I lose the content that I already have on this blog? I dont really need to upgrade my domain name, the only thing I’m looking for is a space upgrade.

    If you upgrade to premium, you will not lose any content that is currently on your site. Although you don’t need the domain subscription upgrade, it does come with the premium plan and is a nice, useful add-on to your site.

    You can find information on registering a new domain here:


    2/ If I cancel my subscription after our travels (around 5-6 months from now), will we still be billed the other 45 pounds for the rest of the year, or will it only cost us the 40 pounds for the months we have it for?

    The premium plan is for a yearly subscription and you have 30 days to cancel the plan to receive a refund. After that, the charge is irreversible, even if you cancel it before the year is over. Read our support page for more information:

    Refund a Purchase

    I have also read that we wouldn’t lose any of our media files upon cancelling, we just can’t upload any more, but obviously we wouldn’t need to upload any more after our travels. Can anyone confirm this is the case?

    Yes, if you upload more than the alloted amount that you receive for a free account while having a premium plan, you will not lose the content you upload while having the premium plan when reverting back to the free plan.

    For more information on space limit feature, please visit our support page:

    Get More Storage Space

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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