Upgrading consequenses

  • I’m debating buying an upgrade, but there’s an issue I can’t find the answere to. A few years back I built a blog for a friend (grisla.no),and since he had bought a domain he wanted to use he then went for an upgrade. The dashboard then changed quite a bit compared to the one I’m familiar with from wordpress.com, I had to install jetpacks and what not…and these days the theme (a free wp.com theme) which initially worked well, misbehaves. Now this domain of his was not purchased through WP, so my question is this: if I purchase a WP upgrade for one of my blogs, will the dasboard stay the same? And what happens if I buy a CSS upgrade?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There are different versions of WordPress. Each on is distinct and different from the other. It sounds like your friend had a self hosted site (ie he or she was paying for someone to host—make his or her site live on the internet) so that means the site was using WordPress.ORG software to make it work.
    The other type of WordPress is WordPress.COM. This is the forum for WordPress.COM. The two different versions use two different types of software. Here on WordPress.COM, the hosting to get your site live and online is free. We don’t pay GoDaddy, NetworkSolutions, or other hosting company. Also the software to make our sites is free.
    Please read about the different flavors of WordPress:

    Note that on the free version of WordPress
    There are a variety of upgrades a person can purchase in order to personalize what appears on the web. These upgrades don’t mean that the site is self-hosted: everything is still subject to the Terms of Service he or she agreed to when starting their original account here on WP.COM. http://wordpress.com/tos/ Premium upgrades here could be:
    Domain mapping
    Additional storage space
    Direct uploading of videos
    Paid (optional) themes
    and so on: http://en.support.wordpress.com/category/upgrades/

  • A few years back I built a blog for a friend (grisla.no),and since he had bought a domain he wanted to use he then went for an upgrade.

    Domain mapping is an upgrade for the free hosted WordPress.COM version. The site would still be hosted here for free on WP.COM and subject to all the TOS agreed to when setting up the site.

    It sounds like your friend did not do an “upgrade” as such, but decided to host the site and to use WordPress.ORG software—the dashboard there would look different. It’s different software!!!

  • As for which upgrades are available for WordPress.com, take a look here:

  • Thank you so much for your swift and accurate answer, I will happily choose an upgrade now that I know my blog will stay at WordPress.com!

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