
  • I have a free site and thinking to upgrade but would the traffic that comes to my free site be automatically redirected to the new one ie Would surfers who have my long link feach the new site with a short address

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi!

    Short answer: Your visitors will be redirected. Nothing to worry about there.

    Longer answer: Are you thinking of upgrading and then using a custom domain? It is possible to upgrade and still continue to use your _________.wordpress.com domain if you wish.

    But let’s say that you decided to step up to the Premium plan:

    …and instead of your original yourgroovysite.wordpress.com URL, you wanted to use yourgroovysite.com as your site’s URL. Any visitors to your old yourgroovysite.wordpress.com would be automatically redirected to your new yourgroovysite.com URL. Any links to old posts you might have shared via email or social media would automatically redirect as well.

    Does that make sense? Let me know if not or if you have any questions.

  • thanks very much for your help

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