Upgrade to WordPress professional

  • I would like to pass from the free version to WordPress professional.
    I would like to know, in the professional version:
    1. Can I have access to FTP to modify files?
    2. Can I have an automatic redirect from the old to thw new domain?
    3. Can I install all the template and plugins I want?
    Your help is very important to me! Thank you very much!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1. Can I have access to FTP to modify files?

    Sorry but no. There is no ftp access to any site on wordpress.com

    2. Can I have an automatic redirect from the old to thw new domain?

    A site redirect could be set up.

    3. Can I install all the template and plugins I want?

    Sorry but no. We do not allow any plugins for security reasons and only themes from http://themes.wordpress.com can be used. If you have the Business upgrade you do get unlimited use of all Premium themes though.

  • Thank you very much for your reply.

    I would also like to know how much is the cost for the redirect service per year, if I chose di move to an other server.
    Thanks again,


  • Hi Alice!

    I saw you bought the Site Redirect today, it costs U$13 a year. Let us know if there is anything else we can help.

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