upgrade domain

  • I can’t reach my web site. When I try to log in and go to the domains upgrade page, the message in my account says I don’t have any domains yet. I’ve had this wordpress site for many years. There doesn’t seem to be a support # for billing. How do I solve this problem?

  • What is the URL of the domain?
    Which wordpress.COM plan did you purchase?
    Which wordpress.COM site did you purchase it for?

  • Hi there,

    The WordPress.com account you’re using to post here was created in November 2017, and have never owned any sites or upgrades on WordPress.com.

    If you’ve had an account with us for many years, it is using a different username. Please give the WordPress.com address of the site, or the domain you’re trying to renew, and we can help you figure out what the correct account is.

  • Thanks for your replies! I have a conversation going with the support team. If I can’t get my issues resolved directly, I’ll let you know.

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