Updating & reposting

  • If I’ve published a post, but want to add an update to it – what is the best way to proceed?
    Also, will it be re-posted/published to the top of the tags again?

    Or is it best to write a new post, add a link to the previous post (a pingback, I think)?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Every post is displayed on the global tag pages under it’s original timestamp. At one time there were some folks who were editing and editing and editing posts to keep them pages at the top of the global tag pages. This was brought to a halt.

    (1) You simply edit the posts and update it with new information or if you prefer (2) you can create a new post and backlink to the first post.

    I’m also glad you posted again and I recognized your avatar because I told you last week that you could not link to an external site in your header. That has changed as there is a way to do this but first Staff have to check out the link and give their okay.

  • You’re welcome. :)

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