Update vs. New Post

  • I have a Post I plan on updating or making a new one – but I don’t want to mess up search stuff – taking new pictures and maybe fine tune the text a bit –

    BUT – I want to also have it go out as a new Post to the subscribers (this is 3 1/2 years old) – and make things better based on what I have leaned in the last few years – I can make a second new Post that in place of the “Read More” has a direct link to the old URL with the updated content (not sure if the title can be made to do that or not) –

    I am concerned since I made a new Post of an old Post this winter and the old Post still searches well but the new Post sucks for SEO so I don’t want to mess things up. It is a tutorial and there is only so many ways I can think to write the same steps

    Any thoughts? I did stick it to the front page and it picked up traffic so it has material people can use

    thanks for any ideas

    Towboat Hitch / Capstan Hitch – Updated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi auxclass

    My first suggestion would have been to create a new post using the link format, but it doesn’t look like your theme has that post format option. Otherwise, why not simply reblog your own post? Then it will create a new post, so notifications should go out, but it will direct readers back to the original. I just don’t know whether reblogs have an impact on SEO or not, but as it only posts an excerpt I imagine it shouldn’t mess things up.

  • Thanks – but in testing the reblog – the reblog will not give me the function I need – it has a shuffle step I don’t want – but I think I can write a short new post with links that make the new post go straight to the updated Post

  • I don’t think reblogging or copy a post are the way to go. Others may argue with me but I can refute every point they bring forward I simply don’t want to auxclass.

    I think I can write a short new post with links that make the new post go straight to the updated Post

    That’s the best choice IMHO.Create an interesting introduction for it prior to providing the link. If the post was a short one then a complete rewrite would be the way to go. I always keep in mind that every post ought to contain over 65 % original content to escape the duplicate duplicate content screening.

  • Thanks

    I am working on an update with new better pictures – copied the old Post and using that to make the updated Draft, I will then copy the updated Text / html into the old Post –

    Then I will do a short new Post linking back to the Updated Post

  • Updating the old Post was a mess – uploaded the new pictures to the media library (so link would not be to a draft Post) – inserted the new pictures, fine tuned the text – deleted the old table –

    wrote a new Post that links back to the Updated Post –

    Updating the old Post required the copying of the html code from the draft update to the old Post – managed to get things done without breaking anything – looks much better with the new pictures


  • The end result looks very good. I might even try that knot, despite not even having a boat.

    How did you get the post title to link to the old post?

  • Thanks – glad it looks good

    How did you get the post title to link to the old post?

    Magic – Didn’t you see the part about individual page redirect secret handshake? Me neither

    Paste the html code in the tltle for a regular link – I just made a link in the Post with the words I wanted, then copied the html (text) code into the Title

    An old spam blog trick I saw used when I first started helping in the forum – just filed it away until I could use it

  • Neat trick. I’ll also file it away, though with the link post format it does that automatically. But you never know…

  • Did not know about the “Link Post” format – guess I will need to check that out


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