Update of my profile email address doesn't work

  • The email provider I had so far ended his business. So I just have got myself a brand new email address.

    To update the email address used in my (German) wordpress.com profile I followed the procedure of that video here:

    Change Your Email Address

    But as I just tried to update my wordpress.com profile with this brand new email address I got (after pressing the submit button) the following (popup) error message (in German):

    ‘Die eingegebene E-Mail-Adresse ist nicht erlaubt.’

    It means in English something like ‘The entered email address is not allowed.’

    The new email address was created yesterday, and definitely no other wordpress.com profile is attached to it. I can’t understand what shall be wrong with my brand new email address.

    So how can I update my account with my brand new email address? Or can a mod do it for me?

    For a mod: The new email address I want to use for my wordpress.com account, I named in this unpublished draft posting.


    Please do not contact me with the old email adress attached to my profile so far. My old email provider has quit business, so I cannot receive emails on that old address anymore.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    It’s not possible for @rambler.ru email addresses to be used for WordPress.com accounts. You’ll need to create an email address at a different provider instead.

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