Update for theme Photography Classic

  • Hi,

    I have heard that there is an update for theme Photography Classic. I see that message in my admin section :

    Your current theme, Photography Classic, has seen a major update. We encourage you to switch now for all the new features and enhancements.

    When I click on switch now, there is nothing happening. I tried in different browsers but still nothing showing up. Any idea why ??


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Hi there,
    Your theme is a premium theme and part of what you purchased is support direct from the theme’s designer. The person with the username account who purchased the theme can post to the Premium Theme Support forum for the theme to get help with it http://premium-themes.forums.wordpress.com/forum/photography-classic in the Premium Theme Support forum.

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