Unwanted "Stop Sopa" banner on my blog

  • So…

    I just noticed the same thing happening on an old Livejournal blog of mine.

    In each case, the image I was linking to was a Flickr image. *My* flickr images, in fact. Now… these were also images that have been removed from my flickr account since I let my Pro account die.

    In the code, it still refers to the flickr URL, but the image itself is being served from an entirely *different* domain.

    My guess is that, somehow, someone has managed a neat (and freaking annoying and unethical) little DNS hack making URLs link to that image; no hacking on thethesacredpath’s widget (or on my LJ).

  • What I suspect is that your virus warning software is sophisticated enough to see that X isn’t where the browser was told X was, and that something else is there, and is flagging it as malicious on that basis. You’d think Flickr of all sites would be whitelisted. Anyway, I don’t see it as a DNS hack.

  • Moi aussi, j’ai le même problème. Mais, c’est pour les trois blogs. Par contre, je ne vois pas ou corriger le problème. Voici l’adresse d’un des blogs ;http://nw.rifrando.asso.fr

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