unsolicited advertisements on my blog!

  • unsolicited advertisements, pop ups,ads,advertisements,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To support the service (and keep free features free), we sometimes run advertisements. We try hard to make the ads discreet and effective and only run them in limited places. If you would like to completely eliminate ads from appearing on your blog, we offer the No-Ads Upgrade: http://en.support.wordpress.com/no-ads/

  • I’m concerned about the same thing. The ad that popped up when checking one of my blog posts from my ‘droid phone was positioned directly under the title of my blogpost and before the paragraph content. I understand supporting wp and keeping wp free for bloggers, and I really appreciate that. But I don’t endorse the companies that are advertising and the implication is that I do if the ad is so prominent on my blog.

  • Yes, this is my concern about pop-up ads. I know when I see ads on other blogs, I believe them to be endorsed by the blog writer. I too understand the need to bring in revenue to run the systems, but there must be a better way. Perhaps bloggers could be given a chance to endorse particular goods ie I often write posts about good books I have just read, so in a way it is a promotion for the author. I have turned down previous proposals for ads, as my audience has grown, because I think people get sick of the constant commercialism in our society. I know I do.

  • Personally, I think they should do what I believe Livejournal does (or another free blogging platform?) and allow us to indicate our interests (or topic of our blogs) to only see ads that are maybe half-decently related. I’ve only ever seen one unobtrusive ad on a friend’s blog here, but that could be because I am rarely logged out and I believe WP tries not to show ads to repeat visitors, or those who are logged in.

  • Not to put too fine a point on it, but you have complete control over the ads that appear on your blog. When you signed up with WordPress.com, you agreed to the terms of service and, consequently, the ads they choose to place on the blog they let you run. You have the option to keep your blog here and shut the ads off by off-setting the revenue they generate. You also have the option to pay for hosting elsewhere and use the WordPress.org software package, or some other CMS.

    I don’t see why this topic hasn’t been closed.

  • The topic ‘unsolicited advertisements on my blog!’ is closed to new replies.