Unknown Text Element

  • I have an unknown and unwanted html element </ showing up at the bottom left of my WordPress blog. Any idea how I could possibly get rid of it?

    You can find it at the bottom of my page, to the left of the footer located here: http://blog.beachoutpost.com

  • You did not specify a blog address or reason for posting when you created this topic.

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at WordPress.com. If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the WordPress.org forums.

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    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

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  • http://blog.beachoutpost.com/ is not a WordPress.com blog, but I can tell that that extra code is probably coming from the theme. If you switch to the default theme and it goes away, then you’ll know that it’s a problem with the theme you are using and you’ll need to search through the code and find where those characters are getting added.

    Make sure you have backups before making changes!

    Please head over to http://wordpress.org/support/ if you need further help.

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