Understanding the impact of current traffic and website redirection

  • I am planning to upgrade my free website. Since this website been in the circulation since 2014, I generate quite few visitors every day. I was wondering, If I upgrade my free website, will I loose my traffic? To be precise; will my existing visitors be now see a incorrect URL OR they would be redirected to my new website automatically if they click on an older link?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    You will not lose traffic due to upgrading. If you upgrade to a WordPress.com plan and register a custom domain on your site, your visitors will be redirected to the new domain that is set as the primary address. Since the site remains the same, you don’t lose any followers/subscribers either.

    Hope that helps! You can upgrade using the button below if you’re ready:

    Need help choosing a plan? We’re here to help! Please tell us about the features you’d like to have on your site, and we’ll suggest the most suitable plan for you.

    Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

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