underline for links disappeared after changing theme

  • Hi all, I’ve changed my theme to the Exhibit theme on wordpress.com and now my underlines for links are disappeared. I do not know so much about css, but know how to place them. Do I need a css code for the underline under the links to let them work again?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Do you want all the links to be underlined (post content, sidebar, menu etc.) or only in a specific area?

    The following code will underline all the links in post/page text, like here:

    .entry-single a {
        text-decoration: underline;
  • thank you so much, yes that was the meaning, but I found out how to change the color of the links and now I’m happy with that, but many thanks for your help. I may need it another time:)

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