Under appearance only editor and themes are showing

  • Hi I need to do a few checks on my menus but when I go to appearance the option for menu and customize are not showing up. Can you help please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have a blog posts drop down menu on my home page but I’ve noticed the newer posts I’ve added are not being added to this menu. I’ve tried doing it manually but the still didn’t appear. What should I do next?!

  • Hi there,

    You are using a theme that utilizes the Full Site Editor. Most of those themes do not have the Customize menu available, as the things you would change via Customize can be done through the editor. More information on using the site editor can be found on our support page:

    Use the Site Editor
    4 min read
    With the Site Editor, you can design everything on your site — from the header right down to the footer — using blocks. Before the Site Editor, many fundamental elements of your site’s design (like the header, sidebars, page content, and more) were all determined by your theme. With the Site Editor, you can access a whole new level of control over your site’s appearance! When to Use the Si

    What feature did you want to use under Customize? We’d be happy to further assist you with what you are trying to do with the feature.

    Let us know. Thanks!

  • Hi thanks for getting back to me. I actually started another thread related to this one because I was trying to find out why the ‘blog posts’ menu on my homepage only shows some of my posts and not all of them. I thought it would update automatically. I went to the page where you can edit menus and added them on manually but they still aren’t showing up. Is there a way to make my menu update and show the full blog list? (if so, can you keep it real simple please!)



  • Hi Sharon,

    WordPress.com is designed to allow users to add pages, categories, and custom links to the menus, but unfortunately, it doesn’t automatically update with every new blog post published. Also, the theme you have selected has a limit to the number of submenu items that can be displayed. The longer your menu list, the more difficult it might be for it to display properly, particularly on smaller screens like those on mobile devices.

    Instead of manually adding every post to your menu, a more efficient approach is to create a separate ‘Blog’ page where all your posts will appear automatically. When you publish a new post, it will be automatically added to this page. Here’s a guide on how to set this up: https://wordpress.com/support/create-a-separate-page-for-blog-posts/

    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.

  • Thank you for all your help!

  • Hi I’ve done a posts page but how do I make a link to that on the home page instead of the drop down menu which keeps appearing? Thanks

  • Hi there, if I visit your homepage and click on Blog Posts in your menu (rather than click on items in the dropdown) I am taken to https://myslicemyblog.wordpress.com/blog-posts/

    This is expected, yes? To be sure I understood your question, you want to remove the dropdown, but leave the Blog Posts link in your menu where it is now, yes?

    If so you can do that by going to Appearance > Editor and once the editor launches, click on the Navigation tab, and delete the submenu items individually. I show how this is done in the video linked here: How to remove sub menu links in the site editor

    Once you remove all the sub menu links, only the parent menu item Blog Posts will remain.

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • THANK YOU!!! I didn’t get the same page as you at first for some reason then when I went back in it was exactly like your video – thank you so much for taking the time to do that it was exactly what I needed!

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