Uncategorized problem

  • Is it just my blog? Or is it happening to others too?

    I click on Uncategorized ion my sidebar in order to find the posts WP dicked around with weeks ago with a recent bug.

    But now not only am I getting Uncategorized posts, but also posts that DO NOT CONTAIN the Uncategorized category!

    Will WordPress EVER EVER EVER get Categories correct and then LEAVE THE CODE ALONE?

  • Categories are messed up in bizarre ways lately, and it’s affecting Google’s ability to find things in our blogs. I blogged about a video last week, googled it, and that post was the #1 result. Pretty sweet. Yesterday I googled the same words to find the video, and there IS no link to my post of that video, but there is a link to my blog under the Penguins category.

    only, my blog does not HAVE a “penguins” category.

  • Maybe we should roll back to WordPress 2.3.

    I hear that software worked pretty well.

  • It is never going to happen. If you want to use an older version of WordPress, here’s your only option:

    If you’re off WP.com and using an independent blog, nothing prevents you from running an older version of WordPress software, so you can have any dashboard style you like.

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