unable to upload mp4 video format

  • Hello,
    I just converted a .swf video file to an mp4, because I saw that it was one of the acceptable formats for wordpress.com. When I attempt to upload the mp4 file to my page, it is grayed-out and I cannot select it for uploading. Please let me know if I need to do something else, or if the videopress upgrade is required for me to move forward. This is rather urgent for me to resolve.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately, you will need to purchase the VideoPress upgrade to host the videos on your blog.

    It’s free to embed videos hosted on other websites, so you might consider uploading your videos to either YouTube or Vimeo and embedding them that way.

  • Great suggestion! I will try this…Thanks!!

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