Unable to see Post Stats

  • I am unable to see which posts others are viewing in my blog stats section. I only get total views and referrers and google search. No individual posts views.
    As a result the Top Posts section on my front page is not working. Please do tell me that you are fixing it?
    Thanks, Nita.

  • I have the same problem. What skin are you using? Will the skin affect? Anyone?

  • I am non technical that I am not sure what the term ‘skin’ means. But if it’s the theme then I use the Andreas theme with two sidebars. However it was working fine until two days ago.
    I tried changing the theme but it doesn’t work. Same problem. Also, I have not got any reply from the wordpress support although I complained in their Feedback form two days ago.

  • I have also sent in feedback, and I’m using the Hemingway theme. I guess the problem isn’t particular to themes.

  • The skin shouldn’t affect it. I did send in a feedback about another thread on the issue. I’m hoping that Andy, the staff member who watches over the stat code will pop in and let us know if there’s an issue.

    Hope this helps,

  • I am replying on this thread too. My individual stats views has gone completely on the blink. Please do something. This is the third day. No top posts at all now. At first there were at least one or two which never changed for 48 hours. Hits keep coming. Am afraid this is not a burp. This seems to be a real problem.

  • Please don’t cross post. There’s no need for it.

    Staff has been told there’s an issue. I’m sure they’re on it.

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