Unable to remove gravatar

  • I’ve just started using WordPress and for the first few days just played around with different looks and settings. I installed a gravatar icon that I now want to remove. I’ve looked up how to do this but every instruction says: goto Settings – discussions – Avatar, but there is no Avatar section under discussions. So now I’m stuck with a gravatar I don’t want appearing on the top of every post. I can’t even use a header image because the gravatar appears over them. Any help greatly appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The image that you refer to is a special feature on the Independent Publisher 2 theme called the Header Gravatar. The Gravatar image associated with the email address entered at Customize > Theme Options > Header Gravatar, or a default image if no Gravatar image is assigned, is displayed in the center of the header area, above the site title and (if one is displayed) below the site icon.

    By default the account email address is automatically inserted in the box at Customize > Theme Options > Header Gravatar. You may remove the image by deleting the email address there, then clicking the Save & Publish button.

    See also the topic Remove Gravatar from Header area.

    I’ve looked up how to do this but every instruction says: goto Settings – discussions – Avatar, but there is no Avatar section under discussions.

    Those instructions refer to the Discussion Settings page of the wp-admin pages on a WordPress.com site.

  • It worked :) thank you so much, I’d been scratching my head over that all day

  • You’re welcome : )

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