Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.

  • We spoke to TT yesterday to confirm we were switching isp and they denied all knowledge of a problem or of anyone else reporting this to them. A guy then phoned us back “because your issue has been bugging me all day and I want to get it fixed.” He’d tried some sort of reset on our account so I dutifully fired up the laptop, watched my blogs fail to load and explained again that my individual account wasn’t the problem. Looking online, this doesn’t seem to be the first time TT have blocked WP, users have had real issues with them in the past.

    I co-author one of my blogs with a woman who’s never had any of these problems, so was left with little choice but to sack my isp off and stick with WP, but I agree with the last two chaps on here that WP’s handling of the matter has been incredibly poor.

  • If, as david suggests (and does look like the case to me, given the lack of any interest from WP in the last month) they’ve given up on this, it would be courteous of them to at least say up front “if you’re in the UK bugger off we don’t want you”, rather than leaving everybody guessing.

  • another update for WP’s benefit. I’m on Phone co-op, and have had normal access for a week now, after 5 weeks of problems. Phew! I sympathise with others (notably those with TT) who have not been so lucky, of course. It would be good to know why they’ve had a different experience.

  • I didn’t want to speak too soon but we’ve been able to access WP without any problems since last Friday – sites loading, dashboard loading, the whole caboodle. We’re still set to switch ISPs this weekend though, I don’t know whether TT fixed the problem once they got notification of our switching or whether it was just a coincidence, but I really don’t want to go through this hassle again if they ever decide something on here has fallen foul of their censors.

  • Hooray! Everything now works perfectly for me. About time, but many thanks to WordPress for fixing it. If WordPress did fix it. Otherwise thanks to talktalk. No thanks to either for their customer liaison, though.

  • It feels slightly surreal, but for the first time in months my WP (using talk talk isp) is working like it should do, can it really be fixed? Everything is back to normal, fantastic, really hope it lasts…..

  • Have used TT for the first time in some days – and had NO problem! Let’s hope it stays that way.

  • Trying to acces my blog, the admin page and other aspects of Word Press but the page won’t load and I receive a message that says:

    “No Data Received”

    On clicking for more info it just then states:

    “Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
    Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE”

    Any idea how to resolve this anyone please?
    my blog is http://www.factoidnews.com

  • no changes apply on it.but in some system it work fine

  • I am experiencing this problem also – following error message on blog post or page updates:

    Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
    Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

    Intermittently happening. I’m with GoDaddy…

  • This is only happening when I have a media item on the page or post that I am attempting to update.

  • Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
    you can use hotspot shield to access your wesite.ifdisplaying this error. this will automatically finished after few days.wait and access your website by using hotspot shield till that problem persist.
    thanks for everyone for responce

  • Just got this error on a site I’ve been working on, it’s come out of the blue and it only happens when I click update on the stylesheet (style.css).

    Once the error shows it takes about a minute for the site to load again but it’s impossible to update the stylesheet now which I need to do.

    I’m using GoDaddy

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