Unable to access stats on my account

  • For about a week I have been unable to access the stats for my account. I receive the following message: ‘We’re sorry, but an unexpected error has occurred.’

    The illustration has two people holding tools and looking perplexed beside a machine with an explanation mark. I don’t think you need a screenshot for that?

    Please advise.

    Thank you

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I am able to view your stats while logged in under the most updated version of Chrome. What browser are you currently under when trying to view your site? Also, do you have any ad blockers or extensions that you can temporarily disable and see if that helps?

    Do you have another browser that you can log into and see if you receive the same error? I want to first rule out this being a browser-related issue.

    Let us know, thanks!

  • Thank you it does work with Chrome! I appreciate your help! Aliss

  • Thank you it does work with Chrome! I appreciate your help! Aliss

  • Thank you it does work with Chrome! I appreciate your help! Aliss

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