Unable to access employer site?

  • I have a strange situation going on.

    I work for a company that hosts its website/blog on WordPress. The site URL is eventyrgames.com. I have been working for this company for nearly 8 months, and I have not had any issues with signing in using my email address and associated password.

    Yesterday I tried to add an icon to my profile through Gravatar. When I was directed to that site, however, it claimed that my email address — which I use to log in to the employer website — was not on file with WordPress. Weird. So I go to try and register an account, but it says that my username is already taken. This is true — I’m the one using it. On WordPress. To access my employer’s website.

    I eventually registered a different ‘username’ with the same email I use, but now I cannot access my employer’s website stats and other data. Instead, I am directed to this “new” blank account with the new username, saying that I have no existing blogs or websites.

    I need to access the blog stats to do my job. Is there a way to merge my actual account and this new account so that I can get what I need? If I’d known adding a freakin’ profile image would break everything, I never would have bothered.

    Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

  • Hi there!

    To avoid confusion, there are three different “WordPress” at play here:

    1. The free, open-source WordPress software which powers your website.
    2. WordPress.org which is the open-source project that works on the WordPress software and where you can get the software for free to use on your own hosting provider.
    3. WordPress.com which is a managed hosting provider of the WordPress software and with whom you’re contacting now.

    Your company’s site is hosted at Siteground and not with us here at WordPress.com and is a separate entity with its own login information. You should still be able to log in at https://eventyrgames.com/wp-login.php to access the site’s backend.

    Gravatar uses WordPress.com accounts to manage your Gravatar so if the email address you use on the website had not been registered, you would be prompted to create a new account.

    I eventually registered a different ‘username’ with the same email I use, but now I cannot access my employer’s website stats and other data.

    Could you let us know what username you use on the site? Or point us to a post or page on the site where your previous Gravatar was being used? Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise.


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